Creative Australia Arts Projects for Individuals and Groups - Images - Laila Marie Costa
Neckpiece for a Brave New World, 2023
Materials: Wood chair frame, crucifix found on Amsterdam Street, used nitrous oxide bulbs, miscellaneous collected, found and gifted materials,
mattenklopper, enamel paint and steel wire
Measurements: Variable
2. One Jewellerist in Search of a Rock Opera; in situ, 2023
Loosiergracht 60, Amsterdam. Master presentation.
Materials: Found and collected materials and steel wire
Measurements: Variable
3. The Ansty Misunderstood Btweenager, necklace, 2023
Materials: Wooden ornament holder, found, collected and gifted materials and objects, coffee pod capsules, steel wire, sterling silver
Measurements: 26 x 65 x 60 cm
4. Their Shy Clingy Child Neckpiece, 2023
Materials: Sterling silver, used kitchen cloth, embroidery thread, onyx & base metal fasteners Measurements: c. 38 x 50 x 1cm
5. Bezoar (Amsterdam), 2023
Materials: collected materials from Amsterdam and steel wire
Measurements: c. 17 x 24 x 10 cm
6. Blackened, 2023 (6 necklaces)
Materials: Found and collected materials
Measurements: Variable
7. Blackened; in situ, 2023
International Graduate Show, Gallerie Marzee, Nijmegen.
Materials: Found and collected materials.
Measurements: Variable
8. Bake It Yourself, necklace, 2023.
Materials: Found object, wall plate holder, used fake plastic belt and sterling silver
Measurements: 65 x 25 x 2 cm
9. Are you ready? in situ, 2023
Show Us Yours, We’ll Show Them!!!, Kalf, Hasselt, Belgium
Materials: Found and collected materials
Measurements: Variable
10. Performance stills of
Interactions with False Fruits Whose Seeds Could Never Come to Rest by Sebastián González de Gortari, opening night, October 2023
Doctorial exhibition at Kalf, Hasselt, Belgium